Rol-Vac, LP / Plastic Suppliers Inc. earned an Honorable Mention for EarthFirst® metallized ultralight polylactic acid (PLA) sealant film.
Masterslit DC4 Slitter Now Available
We are pleased to announce the arrival of our 5th and newest slitter! Rol-Vac, LP offers a complete line of film converting services including slitting & rewinding on all webs. From trial runs to full containers, along with our proven track record for quality over the past 20 years, we are committed to provide you with exceptional service and the fastest-turnaround times in the industry.
Crynsulate Metallized Film
Rol-Vac, LP launches Crynsulate Metallized Film Brochure for new and existing customer. This new informational tool brings our Crynsulate Metallized Film to you. Featuring Crynsulate's superiority, installation, layers per inch, venting, etc... We hope that you find this helpful determining where to purchase your next order of Metallized Insulating Film.